1 principle of noncontradiction
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > principle of noncontradiction
2 principle of noncontradiction
Математика: принцип непротиворечивостиУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > principle of noncontradiction
3 principle of noncontradiction
English-Russian scientific dictionary > principle of noncontradiction
4 principle
1) правило; принцип2) закон3) начало, первооснова, (перво)источник•- distributed maximum principle - least number principle - principle of adiabatic invariance - principle of contraction mapping - principle of extension of inequalities - principle of fixed point - principle of harmonic balance - principle of harmonic measure - principle of hyperbolic measure - principle of least squares - principle of length and area - principle of mathematical induction - principle of maximum likelihood - principle of point estimation - principle of stationary phase - principle of stochastic balance - principle of transfinite induction - principle of unsufficient reason - virtual work principle - weak likelihood principle -
5 принцип непротиворечивости
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > принцип непротиворечивости
См. также в других словарях:
Principle of explosion — The principle of explosion is the law of classical logic and a few other systems (e.g., intuitionistic logic) according to which anything follows from a contradiction i.e., once you have asserted a contradiction, you can infer any proposition, or … Wikipedia
Principle of bivalence — In logic, the semantic principle of bivalence states that every proposition takes exactly one of two truth values (e.g. truth or falsehood ). The laws of bivalence, excluded middle, and non contradiction are related, but they refer to the… … Wikipedia
Law of noncontradiction — This article uses forms of logical notation. For a concise description of the symbols used in this notation, see List of logic symbols. In classical logic, the law of non contradiction (LNC) (or the principle of non contradiction (PNC), or the… … Wikipedia
First principle — First Principles is also the title of a work by Herbert Spencer. In philosophy, a first principle is a basic, foundational proposition or assumption that cannot be deduced from any other proposition or assumption. In mathematics, first principles … Wikipedia
metaphysics — /met euh fiz iks/, n. (used with a sing. v.) 1. the branch of philosophy that treats of first principles, includes ontology and cosmology, and is intimately connected with epistemology. 2. philosophy, esp. in its more abstruse branches. 3. the… … Universalium
John F. Wippel — Monseigneur John F. Wippel, est né à Pomeroy, dans l Ohio (USA). Il est prêtre du diocèse de Steubenville et un expert de renommée mondiale de la philosophie médiévale. Il a reçu ses diplômes bachelor et master en philosophie, en même temps qu il … Wikipédia en Français
John F Wippel — John F. Wippel Monseigneur John F. Wippel, est né à Pomeroy, dans l Ohio (USA). Il est prêtre du Diocèse de Steubenville et un expert de renommée mondiale de la philosophie médiévale. Il a reçu ses diplômes bachelor et master en philosophie, en… … Wikipédia en Français
Law of thought — The laws of thought are fundamental logical rules, with a long tradition in the history of philosophy, which collectively prescribe how a rational mind must think. To break any of the laws of thought (for example, to contradict oneself) is to be… … Wikipedia
Classical logic — identifies a class of formal logics that have been most intensively studied and most widely used. The class is sometimes called standard logic as well.[1][2] They are characterised by a number of properties:[3] Law of the excluded middle and… … Wikipedia
Ockham’s world and future — Arthur Gibson PHILOSOPHICAL BIOGRAPHY Ockham was born in about 1285, certainly before 1290, probably in the village of Ockham, Surrey, near London. If his epitaph is accurate, he died on 10 April 1347. Yet Conrad of Megenberg, when writing to… … History of philosophy
Leibniz (from) to Kant — From Leibniz to Kant Lewis White Beck INTRODUCTION Had Kant not lived, German philosophy between the death of Leibniz in 1716 and the end of the eighteenth century would have little interest for us, and would remain largely unknown. In Germany… … History of philosophy